Saturday, 27 June 2015

Unlocking Tomorrow With Technology Today...

   We often find ourselves having trouble happily getting through the day, our work, or tending to our responsibilities. Even though I’m blessed with my faculties and a strong, sound physical frame, I often complain or feel sorry for myself. I rarely, if ever, stop to consider what it would be like to do all I have to do having an extra added challenge to overcome or an impairment to deal with. Such egocentricity is human nature. Fortunately, it is also human nature to want to succeed at or accomplish something you really want to do, no matter the obstacles in your way. Nowhere is this seen more genuinely than with those dealing with a disability or disorder.  As an educator, making sure I can aid in student success and empower all individuals in my classroom is of utmost importance. By being familiar with current forms of assistive technology and considering special needs in lesson planning, one can be both a positive support and effective enabler of dreams.  

Students will reach their full potential when we give them the tools.
I haven’t had many experiences in the last few years of working with students with severe special needs or with those who required assistive technology. I did however work for two years with a student in Japan who was deaf, learning English, and had two hearing aids and a hearing device she wore around her neck. Naturally, I was a little dismayed at first when I learned I would be teaching English to a student who was at a disadvantage when it came to learning the fundamentals of English speech and pronunciation using an oral approach. I did what any solid teacher would do in this situation by learning as much about the girl, her capabilities, and the assistive tech as I could before our lessons started. In this situation (an elective class in Japan), I was not at liberty to sit down with the parents or school and set any goals.

   Looking back and moving forward, I would use a communication options chart with parents prior to beginning the year to decide what would best maximize learning in my general education English class. There are many forms of communication options charts. The chart is preferably used early in a deaf child’s educational path to best help shape who he or she will become and how they will best express themselves (Hall, 2008). I feel that at an upper school level, a meeting with this chart and the student’s parents or guardians can be a great way to demonstrate commitment to doing your best for the student and provide an opportunity to learn much about his or her needs/learning styles before instruction takes place. My student’s device and hearing aids gave her the chance to interact and impress our class in the form of her many accomplishments such as a 5 minute self-introduction speech, a cooking demonstration, and her pleasant, determined interaction in her second language in every class. It was a joy having her for that year, and proved the fact that even with a small bit of hearing and motivation, a hearing setback can be overcome. 
A Communication Options Chart
Click here for a better look at an effective example of a Communication Options Chart (pictured left).     
   Thinking of how to best ensure students with disabilities are accommodated in my classroom, it is imperative that an educator take steps to include strategies for success in the planning phase. As the video "Assistive Technology: Enabling Dreams" (see video below) points out, teachers are not familiar with current assistive technology or ways in which computers can be used to help students with special needs (Edutopia, 2010). The video does do an excellent job however of showcasing examples of incredible cases where innovation and incorporation yield wonderful results. The short expose advocates such technological assistance as early as possible as to ensure students gain mastery and have the years ahead to focus on both content and personal achievement. As I mentioned at the start of this post, we all possess the innate drive and enthusiasm to accomplish our goals and dreams, it is our duty as educators and stewards of youth to ensure they all have the tools and opportunities to do so. As the video explicitly states, “technology changes life and the opportunities one can have in the future” (Edutopia, 2010).

    Thinking about having a student with a hearing disability, I would make some adjustments to my instruction. For a given lesson, I would make sure to have multiple sources of the information to be covered during the lesson. A copy of the main points, a list of key facts on the whiteboard, and a recap with subtitles for the Deaf or hard of hearing archived in my LMS that the student could access at anytime. I feel these steps can serve to ensure the student is able to immerse in the content. When it comes to activities and class interaction, I would ensure that the student was properly placed according to his or her need and comfort level in reading lips or receiving quality sound from any devices in use. I would gently remind other members of the class to speak clearly and enunciate when working together. When working in paired partner activities, it can be helpful for the partner of the special needs student to make key notes of what is being discussed. These notes can be used to help the Deaf student study, as well as serve as a basis for a quick oral formative assessment to ensure the material is getting through. I also feel that allowing a Deaf or hard of hearing child to partake in a check of written work or be in charge of putting up some information on the whiteboard (from a document). As you can see, with some thought and effort an educator can implement some simple practices to help a special needs students immensely.

   Of course making the accommodations is not enough, assessing and ensuring that a student is benefiting from the changes is required. As I mentioned, formative assessments and quick checks with the student are vital. It may also be helpful to meet with the student outside class from time to time to ensure they are on top of homework or special project/activity specifics. Finally, making sure to carefully monitor the classroom activities and interactions of the student will serve as the best indicator on whether or not the individual is comfortable and progressing along with the rest of the class.
Constant monitoring proves most effective
   As educators, we have the responsibility to meet all our students’ needs. Giving students with special needs the tools they need not only accomplishes this, but also gives them independence and a strong  sense of personal efficacy. As Sheryl Burgstahler, director of DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Check out DO-IT Here!, an advocacy program for disabled students at the University of Washington says,"If they (students) have access to their own computers, they can take their own notes, they can take their own tests, they can write their own papers, they can use the Internet and do their own research"(Curtis, 2005). Thinking about our effectiveness in the classroom and the importance of integrating technology for all 21 Century learners, Burgstahler’s words ring clear, "Students can now use their brainpower instead of their physical capabilities to go to college and then on to careers so they can have the life all of us want to have," she says. "They can have the American dream" (Curtis, 2005).

For more on the article that features the video "Assistive Technology: Enabling Dreams" hit the following link: Disabled Bodies, Able Minds: Giving Voice, Movement, and Independence to the Physically Challenged 

Curtis, D. (2005, February 2). Disabled Bodies, Able Minds: Giving Voice, Movement,   and Independence to the Physically Challenged. Retrieved June 28, 2015, from

Edutopia.Org. (2010, July 28). Assisstive Technology: Enabling Dreams. [Youtube Video]. 

Hall, J. (2008, May 9). Communication Options Chart for Deaf Children - Sound Advice.Retrieved June 28, 2015, from

Friday, 19 June 2015

The Wagons Roll On Into The 21st Century...

When making a selection in ED 609 for a presentation on educational games, there was never a doubt that The Oregon Trail was the perfect choice. The game, first developed by MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) in 1971, has been used in classrooms since it was initially released to schools in 1974 (Cohen, 2015). While MECC went defunct in 1999, the game still survives today, and continues to engage and captivate learners on various platforms forty-one years on. It was a wonderful experience revisiting a technological “pioneer” I first played as an elementary school child in the mid 80s to practice developing my skills with today’s useful computer tools and applications.

The screen that exited students as the program loaded.
In looking at the game in terms of educational value and use in class, our group first created a rubric of important criteria to evaluate. While we had little difficulty agreeing on what criteria we wanted to use in our assessment, the actual creation of the tool required some thought. Ultimately, we agreed upon using Google Sheets to create the rubric. Due to its ease in access for all our (remote location) contributions and cell layout, the application proved a very convenient tool for the job. Over the 4 days we developed the tool, the group could add in and polish as we came up with ideas or realized we had left something out. In the end, we were quite pleased with our final product and the way in which we could effortlessly “jigsaw” it together. The learning curve for the application was not too difficult for the group and proved to be my biggest challenge in measuring up the game from an educational standpoint.

In addition to Google Sheets, our group also used Google Drive as a meeting place and a collective record of our ideas and information. I feel that Drive proved to be the most useful resource available for a number of reasons. First, it was a great remote storage place for all we wanted to include in the presentation. As we could not all meet face to face over the days we worked on the project, we could work at our own pace and simply drop anything of interest (images, URLs, notes, etc.) into the application. It was very convenient and increased our productivity and preparedness when we were together. When it came to the actual construction of the presentation, we had everything we needed in our “box” we simply needed to access it. Second, the application was nothing new to any of our group members, required no time to learn or understand, and we all felt very tech savvy being able to decrease the difficulty of the assignment by putting technology to use for us. Finally, we were able to effortlessly share a class instruction page and link to The Oregon Trail online through drive in the presentation, saving time and guiding our learners directly to the centerpiece of the presentation.

As you can see, using the Google suite was so easy that we had a lot of fun and enjoyed making the presentation.
The Google suite of applications was not the only modern technology we used to construct our presentation. After examining a few presentation programs suggested in class, our group chose to research a few of the suggestions. I was very excited when I came across a review that quoted Motti Nisani one of three founders of emaze, “A good presentation is like a good story” (Farner, 2013). Upon looking into the software, we were not disappointed. The interface and construction mode was straight forward and offered many options to make your presentation more of a visual narrative. The presentation software also allowed us to work collaboratively and provided an amazing array of visually engaging templates for the arrangement of our information. We were very pleased with the look, feel, and final product. We chose the template that took viewers on a journey down the road, much like the actual journey in our featured game, It’s great to see that since our usage of this PowerPoint alternative many other members of the cohort are using it, and using it well. I am very satisfied with the way our emaze presentation turned out. It was a great way to bring a great educational game to the attention educators who can utilize it regardless of content area.


Revisiting The Oregon Trail as an adult and teacher of Language Arts is very special for me. It is a connection to my days as a student and offers a multitude of ideas for incorporation into my classroom. One of my favorite ideas is using the game for a dual purpose. I would like to incorporate it into my American Literature when the class reaches the transition from Romanticism to Realism. The game is very immersive and will help students identify with the ordeal that those brave pioneers undertook. I feel the game will help them put themselves into the shoes of another group of people who embodied the American Dream. I feel there is a wonderful opportunity for a creative writing pioneer journal activity. The game will also serve for a team building activity and exercise in critical thinking. It’s heartwarming to know that after our examination and review of the game, The Oregon Trail has proven to still be a great addition to any classroom setting and education some 40 years after its release.          

                                                                                                                               Don't just take my word for it...
Round up your family, get in your wagon, hit the link, and head out!

Cohen, D. (2015, February 1). The Oregon Trail - Edutainment's First Video Game Hit - Apple II - About Classic Video Games. Retrieved June 14,         2015,from

Farner, S. (2013, May 21). Emaze: The cure for the common presentation? - BestTechie.RetrievedJune14,2015,from

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Cyberspace...the final frontier...these are the explorations of Cohort 11...check us out at